Bori goes to Holland

Akadozó emailezések és összeegyezthetetlen szkájprandevúk helyett szerény kis beszámolók messziföldre és hazaköltözésem történéseiből. Instead of erratic email exchanges and unmanagable skype appointments, voila, a collection of humble reports of my life abroad and after moving back home.

Friss topikok


2012.01.24. 14:23 borsincka

Jamming in Hilversum

A few weeks ago I visited my friend, Tomka in Eindhoven. When I stepped onto the train, I saw a guy with a guitar. As soon as the train started rolling out of the station, he started singing and playing. I wasn't sure if the two guys sitting in fron of him were his friends or just strangers. The whole situtation was kind of magical, and I kept hesitating whether I should join in. It was astonishing, he kept playing songs I knew and really liked, from Fatboy Slim to Nirvana, and I kept singing and humming while listening to it.
After a long tormenting hesitation, I finally went close and joined in, and thank god I did so. We sang through all the way - god how I missed singing! And, just to keep the magical thread, it turns out he has a band, and has proposed to have a jam session together.

Well guess what, that jam session took place yesterday. I went to Hilversum for my very first real band experience in the Netherlands. They have a lot of cool sounds, this song is one of my favorites until now, check it out:

I'll keep posting about the developments of the story! :)

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