Bori goes to Holland

Akadozó emailezések és összeegyezthetetlen szkájprandevúk helyett szerény kis beszámolók messziföldre és hazaköltözésem történéseiből. Instead of erratic email exchanges and unmanagable skype appointments, voila, a collection of humble reports of my life abroad and after moving back home.

Friss topikok


2014.08.05. 23:43 borsincka

Me singing at a festival! Gabori band goes to Multiculturele Markt Enschede

Ladies and gentlemen, we finally did it! Me and my band have officially performed at the Multiculturele Markt in Enschede last weekend!

If questions like 'What?' 'Who?' 'Where?' and 'Why?' race through your mind right now, let me give you a bit of context here.

My dear guitarist friend, Gabor and I have been playing music for a while together now and have had some smaller performances. Then this amazing opportunity came along, to play at this festival called Multiculturele Markt, which takes places in Enschede, close to the German border. So Gabor and I came up with the amazing GaBori band name and signed up. We were scheduled to play 3 times 15 minutes (yes, 3 times 15 minutes) spread across the last weekend of July.

2014-07-27 14.21.14_1.jpg

Since this is a big event, spanning across the city center of Enschede for several days, with several 10.000s of visitors, we wanted to go big for this gig. So we decided to spice our duo up a bit, and hence we imported an American bass player, Tom, along with a Hungarian djembe drummer, all the way from Germany. And voila, the official and unique Gabori band performance was born! 

I have to admit, was somewhat intimidating and bizarre to perform right after bollywood dancers, and right before bellydancers - I felt like my outfit and moves might not really compete with this line-up, but we tried to make up for it by bringing various sounds of (mostly) Hungarian songs. We enjoyed it a lot, and we hope you will too! :) 

The (non-Hungarian) highlights include our cover version of Chris Isaac's Wicked game:


Our jazzy-blues hit, 'Akarok egy not' from Tereskova, complete with children-friendly lyrics for the full family experience along with me overcompensating the dancelessness nature of our act by swaying around: 


One of my personal favorites is 'Too early' from Hungarian jazz singer & songwriter, Harcsa Veronika: 


And since we wanted to bring a wide variety of Hungarian popular music, there was no way of not including an ultimate alternative rock song, 'Disznok tanca' from Kispal es a Borz - this was also featured on the website of the festival itself. 

Ladies and gents, thank you so much for reading and listening! We are looking forward to our next musical opportunities, thus stay tuned! :)

Special thanks to Diana & Otilia for the recordings! 

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